Jesus has given us a very clear mission: “To make more and better disciples of Jesus. Everywhere. Always.”

Over the next 2 years, we are going to embark on a journey at QuadCity that will help us fulfill both aspects of our mission. It will challenge us to become BETTER disciples of Jesus, which will equip us to make MORE disciples of Jesus for generations to come.

For more than one hundred years, this church has sought to fulfill this mission in Prescott and beyond. Generations of people have preached and prayed, served and sacrificed, given and gone, to help others know and love Jesus. And yet, there has never been more opportunity to fulfill this mission than right now! Because there are more people in the Quad City area than ever before.

This is what makes this next season so exciting!

We are inviting everyone who calls QuadCity their church to join us as we all commit to EXCEL! To no longer settle for where we are, but to strive to become more like Jesus in every area of our lives, especially in the grace of giving.

This may be one of the more challenging and inspiring initiatives we have ever shared together as a church. And I can’t wait to see what God does in us and through us!


Won by One,


Jason Price



We want every single person to take his or her next step in discipleship and grow in generosity.

If you’d like to learn more please click on the commit button below.


Primary Goal

Our primary goal is 100% engagement.

We want every single person to take his or her next step in discipleship and grow in generosity. We believe if all of us, together EXCEL in the grace of giving, we will be able to further the mission that God has given us as a church.


Our secondary goal is raising $14.5 MILLION to accomplish four key components over the next two years.

6 Million

This will fund our ministry for the next two years in Prescott, Prescott Valley, and those we are reaching online. This includes things like our Sunday services, Kids Ministry, Students, Groups, Care, Community Meals, operations and utilities, and so much more.


We will continue to support ministries locally and globally by investing in those we are blessed to partner with. This will be the most we have ever been able to support our ministry partners in the history of QuadCity, and we are looking for new opportunities to support gospel-centered projects like never before. For a list of our current ministry partners, click here.

Prescott Balcony 500 thousand

In an effort to support the growth at our Prescott location, we will be building a balcony to add another 100 seats to our existing auditorium. This will provide us with room to grow in the coming months and years.

Prescott Valley Building 7 Million

These resources will allow us to break ground at the corner of Glassford Hill Road and Longlook Drive, and begin building a new permanent facility for our Prescott Valley campus. We are already making disciples in Prescott Valley and we believe God is calling us to do even more for that community now and for years to come.